
21 Mar 1997

That's right... Jazzoline.

When the Trailside Cafe opened up in 1997 the owner at that time hired a jazz quartet ( us ) for an evening of dinner music.  ;it was Dave Gibler, Shawn Doiron, Mike Ross, and myself. 
It was my very very first gig with my, at that time, brand new fretless Fender jazz bass. So exciting. 
We had no name... we were just four guys playing fakebook charts ... but the owner wanted to put our names on the chalkboard thingy... so he says what's your name? now.. Mike, Shawn, and I were just about to say "oh we don't really have a name we just play together sometimes for these things.. " when Dave Gibler without a second of pause says "Jazzoline!" 
and along the same lines.. we were all standing outside by the road chatting before playing....  traffic was going by like normal... and without us noticing at all a flatbed trailer drives by with about 150 white buoys on the back of the truck... at the last second Dave turns around and sees the truck and yet again without a second of pause says "Hey... looks like the Stay Puffed marshmallow man's rectal polyps!!!" 
A small part of me is actually still laughing to this day.. 
