Plain Dirty Blues Band

27 Apr 2024

We play electric blues-rock. We have been together since 2006, and we each have over 15 years experience on the music scene

Our music can best be described as electric blues-rock with influences from the likes of Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Freddie King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Hendrix and the Allman Brothers to name a few.

We also produce our own material, including 3 original tunes on our up and coming CD in 2010.

What sets us apart from other bands is our sheer intensity and dynamics. All topped off with non stop blistering guitar solos. We appeal to both those who want to get up and dance and also to those who want to sit back and hear some rockin blues!


Had the pleasure of joining the PDBB in April for a fill in show... loud rockin blues... super fun!