Scott Ferguson

30 Apr 2001

Scott Ferguson was the drummer for the Rankins and lucky for us, he was another great drummer who agreed to sub for us in the Jive Kings when Alan Dowling couldn't play. Scott is one of my favourite drummers that I've played with. He took the Jive Kings tunes and turned them into something else - not drastically - they were the same tunes but the groove was just different - I hate to say better but ...damn his grooves were great! Scott came with us to Toronto where on the way in Northern New Brunswick we played that crazy 11 shows in four days in the middle of nowhere school tour.

Craziness but fun! Every time Rick Waychesko ( formerly of Tower of Power ) would take a solo, Scott and I would do our best Dave Garibaldi and Rocco Prestia musical impressions and it was fun as hell! Scott also has a studio in his home call Ferguson Music Productions where he's done some great work.
