A Christmas To Remember ( Dinner Theatre )

04 Nov 2005

Ah Dinner Theatre....it's a great thing...a great stepping stone...I did a few shows....got a direct a couple shows...said Thanks to the Dinner Theatre world and then said goodbye..

but...Mike Ross has a way of convincing anyone to do anything ( incidently...during a dinner theatre show in '99 we were waiting to go in for a scene and he convinced me to chug 2 Litres of Ice Cold water before singing the next song...needless to say while I was singing my harmonies I started to vomit small, but not small enough, amounts of Ice Cold water into my mouth as 140 people were watching me sing/drool...good times )

Where was I? Right...so this summer while doing the Fall portion of Canada Rocks Mike comes up to me after the show and says with that look in his eye....."hey man...I'm directing the Xmas dinner theatre ...if you know anyone interested let me know...I'm looking for a drummer"

Now...I LOVE playing Drums...and Mike knows this...and that silently manipulative bastard started me thinking....and a couple days later he had convinced both Shawna Van Omme and I to do the show...

and it was a great time...

I got to play lots of Drums, Guitar and Piano...NO BASS..which was actually quite nice! 
