Anne of Green Gables

27 May 2004

For three summers, plus some adhoc weeks of subbing, I got to do the gig that I'd been wanting to do since High School. In Grade 11, Colonel Grey did Brigadoon the musical at the Confederation Centre and I was lucky enough to play bass in "the pit" orchestra. It was a great experience and I've been wanting to do it again ever since. 

In 2004, 2005, and 2006 I was the bassist for the Charlottetown Festival Orchestra for both "Anne of Green Gables". Anne is a challenging show to play on Upright bass that requires a classical bow and pizzicato techniques as well as being able to swing like a jazzer at some points. It requires a great deal of concentration but it's a fun show to play. 

just don't ever lose focus.... or you'll end up screwing Anne
