Studio Recordings

Death Do Us Part

My friend Jolene Willis recommended me to Brian Dunn to play bass for his album.  Cool.  I had no idea who Brian was but love recording - so of course I said yes. 

Usually when I do a recording project I ... well... like to know what I'm recording.  The Andrew Melzer project is one thing ( mostly swing tunes...read the chords..swing.. done ) ... but when you're doing someone's original alt-country/pop music album you want to hear the songs beforehand to get to the know them and figure out the forms and what makes the tunes tick.  

So for a few weeks before the project, I shoot off an email saying "hey guys .. are there demos or charts for the tunes?"  ...  well... short story I didn't get any charts and got some iPhone demos the night before we were set to record but had no time to listen to them.  I was cranky.  :P 

On the drive out I had myself a bit w